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About Us

About UsArchbishop O'Sullivan Catholic School, located in the City of Kingston, was officially opened in 1979. The school serves a diverse population of 250 students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 who are supported daily by a team of dedicated and caring staff members.
​The school facility shares space with numerous community partners. The Y.M.C.A. offers a Before/After School Care Program. Several community and church groups have use of our school for a variety of functions throughout the school year.
We strive to provide a distinctively Catholic education that provides each child with the opportunities and experiences necessary to grow in their academic capacity and faith formation. Within these experiences we focus on high expectations for all learners that are rooted in our Gospel teachings.  Archbishop O'Sullivan Catholic School has a strong relationship between the school and church community, primarily with St. Paul the Apostle Church.  Father Sebastian Amato and the school community are committed to working with our students, staff and families to realize the distinct nature of our Catholic school.  Students have many opportunities to live their faith as altar servers, readers during our monthly School Masses, as members of various student-led and initiated committees such as the "Free the Children".  Our students take an active role in preparing for and participating in the Sacramental life of St. Paul the Apostle Parish.
Archbishop O'Sullivan Catholic School's students, staff and families form a community of life-long learners who work together, in a respectful environment, to meet the spiritual, academic, physical and emotional well-being of all our students.  Archbishop O'Sullivan Catholic School is rooted in a long-standing tradition of academic excellence that is focused on the Gospels and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board Spiritual theme of Faith in Action:  I by my works, will show you my faith is evident in our daily actions and conversations.  Our school demonstrates our stewardship of the earth as we are recognized as a Gold Eco School.  As members of a school community we actively participate in various fund-raising initiatives/projects which have both a local and global perspective.
We value the relationship with our families as they know their children the best and often can guide the work we do in service of our young people.  The relationship between home and school is a valuable one that can provide rich and rewarding learning experiences for all who work with our students.  We understand the diversity of families and strive to create an environment where our students not only see themselves and their families, but also have a sense of pride that the school honours their lives/families and promotes the uniqueness of each one.
Archbishop O'Sullivan Catholic school works in partnership with school - home - parish. We infuse our Gospel values and Catholic Graduate Expectations in all that we do.  As a school community we attend monthly masses at St. Paul the Apostle Parish. We come together as a school community to celebrate with Prayer liturgies and Awareness days.
School Mission Statement
The community of Archbishop O'Sullivan Catholic School,
united in faith and love and guided by the Holy Spirit,
strives to make our school a place where each person is treated with love and respect
​in a just manner and is encouraged to become all that she or he can be. 
Archbishop O'Sullivan Catholic School endeavours to be stewards of the earth. Our Compost team collaboratively work together to ensure our school environment is respected and that our compost is at the curb each Wednesday. The ECO team further promotes our emphasis on various initiatives that support our collective responsibility for taking care of our planet. We promote "boomerang lunches", recycling of resources (goos paper, batteries) and work with our community partners to further this awareness.  


At ALCDSB we embrace our call to be stewards of God's Gift of Creation. In the context of student success, stewardship takes on a holistic meaning encompassing stewardship of the environment, self and those around us. With this in mind, Outdoor and Environmental Education programming within the ALCDSB seeks to engage our students, Kindergarten through Grade 12, in authentic, integrated learning experiences within the natural environment and within the school community. Engagement levels are high at our Outdoor Centres as students are physically active while exploring the interconnectedness of living things. 


Within the school community, our students continue to participate in Ontario EcoSchools, a rigorous, province-wide certification program which is the vehicle for the Ministry of Education's Policy Framework for Environmental Education in Ontario Schools. The Ontario EcoSchools program places eco-action directly within the sphere of student influence leading to a sense of empowerment and meaningful participation in the local community.

The ALCDSB is dedicated to creating and promoting positive school climate and well-being in all of our schools. Respecting the dignity of all persons by fostering trusting relationships through policies and practices that promote equity, inclusion and diversity are at the core of our Catholic values, the Board's spiritual theme of Faith in Action and our provincial Catholic Graduate Expectations. A positive school climate is directly linked to student success and well-being ensuring students are motivated to do well and will realize their full potential. We are committed to sustaining healthy and nurturing communities of belonging that are safe, caring and respectful and built on the principles of restorative practice and progressive discipline.
The ALCDSB and its school communities engage in a whole school approach in putting prevention and intervention strategies in place to facilitate a positive relationship between students, staff, parents and community partners.​  Students, staff and families work together each year to produce this document to further enhance our school climate.
To view our school's commitment to promoting positive school climate and well-being, please see the attached document.
Positive School Climate and Well-Being